Looking for an exotic and stunning addition to your plant collection? Look no further than the Oncidium orchid! These beautiful plants are known for their striking blooms and unique growth habits. But, as with any plant, proper care is essential to keep them healthy and thriving.
Growing Oncidium Orchids
Oncidium orchids, also known as Dancing Lady Orchids, are a popular choice for indoor gardeners due to their unique and attractive blooms that look like a lady dancing in a flowy ball gown. These plants require specific care in order to thrive and produce the beautiful flowers they’re known for.
Stages of Growth
Oncidium orchids go through several stages of growth throughout their lifecycle, and each stage requires different care. Although care for your orchid doesn’t differ too much throughout the first three stages, it’s still a good idea to reassess your plant’s care through each stage to make sure it’s getting everything it needs to prepare for the next stage.
Root Growth
After the plant grows from a seed, it will begin its normal life cycle in the root growth stage. This is the stage where the plant is focused on growing new and stronger roots to support more blooms and to continue growing on whatever plant it’s decided to latch on to (in the wild, that is). During this stage of growth, it’s a good idea to supplement your normal plant food regimen with more phosphorus and potassium.
Leaf Growth
In the leaf growth stage, you’ll notice plenty of new green growth happening above the soil, and only some (if any) happening in the roots. This is normal, and signals that the plant has moved on to the next stage in its life cycle. During this stage, it’s important to maintain your regular watering schedule. Don’t forget the orchid food every time you water, which will give your orchid the perfect amount of nutrients each week.
The next stage is where the plant produces flower spikes. This can take anywhere from a few months to a few years depending on the species of Oncidium orchid. Once the flower spike emerges, it will continue to grow until it reaches maturity and blooms. The blooms can also last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the variety and how healthy your plant is. It’s an exciting time to learn about your orchid and enjoy the beauty that it has worked so hard to grow.
Regular watering and fertilizing is important during this stage, also. Even more so than the other stages, as the plant is using all of its energy to produce that bloom and keep it alive. When the bloom is spent, your plant will still be happy if it has a good amount of nutrients stored up.
After blooming , the plant enters a period of rest known as dormancy. During this time, the leaves may yellow and the blooms will dry up and drop off as the plant conserves energy for future growth cycles. During this time, care for your orchid is even more important. Typically, you should move your plant to a cooler area in the home, allowing it to rest fully. It will not need as much water, but you still need to water it every now and then.
Once dormancy ends, new shoots will emerge, signaling that it’s time for another cycle of growth and flowering.
Improving Your Orchid Blooms
Improving the blooms on your orchid is easy to do with the proper knowledge of what your orchid needs. Following a care guide that takes into account everything your orchid needs is the best way to improve the blooms on your orchid. Some basic tips for getting the best orchid blooms are:
- Make sure your plant is getting the right amount of light.
- Keep the orchid at the right temperature.
- Proper humidity levels are important for your orchid’s survival.
- Consistent fertilization will keep your blooms beautiful and will help them to keep coming back.
A more comprehensive Oncidium care guide is included below, but these tips will help you keep your orchid blooming beautifully throughout its growing season.
Epiphytic Plant Needs
Epiphytic plants are those that grow on other plants or objects, rather than in soil. Oncidium orchids belong to this category of plants and their epiphytic nature has specific needs that must be met for them to thrive.
One critical need of epiphytic plants like Oncidium orchids is good air circulation. This means ensuring the plant is not overcrowded with other plants or objects that may hinder airflow around the plant itself and the roots.
Another essential need is proper drainage. Epiphytes require free-draining media such as bark or sphagnum moss, unlike terrestrial plants that flourish in soil-based media. The right medium ensures water circulates freely around the roots while preventing root rot. This also most-closely imitates the environment it naturally grows in, which is along the bark of trees or the stems of other plants.
Oncidium orchids also benefit from regular misting since they absorb moisture through their leaves and outer layers called pseudobulbs. Misting helps mimic natural tropical conditions where these types of orchids naturally grow.

Common Problems
Oncidium orchids are a beautiful addition to any plant collection, but like all plants, they’re not immune to problems. Some common issues with these orchids include pests, diseases, and shrivelled leaves. It’s crucial always to monitor your Oncidium Orchids’ progress closely from time to time so you can detect emerging issues early enough before they become problematic.
Pests And Diseases
Keep an eye out for any signs of pests, as an infestation is easier to control the earlier you catch it. One common pest that affects these orchids is the spider mite. These tiny arachnids leave a fine webbing on the plant and suck sap from its leaves, causing them to turn yellow and eventually die off.
Another pest that can cause problems for Oncidiums is mealybugs. These small white insects feed on the sap of plants and secrete a sticky substance that attracts ants. They also weaken the plant by draining its fluids, which can lead to stunted growth or death if left unchecked.
In addition to pests, Oncidiums are susceptible to various diseases such as bacterial soft rot and black rot. Bacterial soft rot causes water-soaked spots on leaves and stems while black rot leads to dark brown or black lesions on foliage.
A fairly common problem faced by orchid parents is root rot, and this disease is solely caused by over-watering your orchid. These plants do not like to sit in water for too long, and if they do, the roots can quickly begin to decompose.
To prevent pests and diseases from taking hold of your Orchids, regularly inspect your plants for any signs of damage or infestation. If you do spot a problem early enough, you might be able to treat it with insecticides or fungicides before it spreads too far.
Shrivelled Leaves
Shrivelled leaves are typically a symptom of a bigger problem with your orchid, but it’s one of the best indications that something is wrong with your plant. There are several reasons why your plant’s leaves may be shrivelling, and it’s important to identify the cause in order to take appropriate action.
One possible cause of shrivelled leaves is underwatering. If you’re not giving your orchid enough water, its leaves will start to dry out and shrink. On the other hand, overwatering can also lead to shrivelling as roots become waterlogged and unable to absorb moisture or oxygen properly.
Another potential culprit for shrivelled leaves is direct sunlight. While oncidiums do need plenty of light, too much direct sun exposure can actually damage their foliage and cause it to wilt.
Pests such as spider mites or mealybugs could also be responsible for causing shrivelled leaves by draining the sap from them or damaging them physically during feeding.
In any case, if you notice your orchid’s leaves starting to look wrinkled or shrunken, check carefully for signs of pests or disease before deciding to adjust the watering schedule.

Caring For Oncidium Orchids
Caring for Oncidium Orchids is relatively easy, and following some simple tips will ensure they thrive. We’ve put together a care guide for Oncidiums to ensure anyone can grow these beautiful orchids in their homes.
Growing Media
Growing Media is an important aspect of Oncidium Orchid Care. The right growing media will provide the necessary nutrients and moisture for healthy growth. The most common type of growing media used for Oncidium Orchids is bark, specifically fir or pine bark. This allows for good drainage and aeration while still holding onto some moisture.
Other options include sphagnum moss, coconut coir, perlite, or a combination of any of these materials. It’s important to choose a medium that works well in your specific environment and meets the needs of your plant. Orchids do not grow well in regular potting soil, and will quickly suffocate in it.
Light and Position
Light and Position are two critical factors in the growth of Oncidium Orchids. These plants need bright, indirect light to thrive. Avoid direct sunlight as it can damage the leaves and cause them to turn yellow or brown.
The best place to position your Oncidium Orchids is near a north- or east-facing window. This will provide enough light without exposing them to harsh rays that could harm their delicate foliage. If you don’t have access to natural light, grow lights can be used instead. Place the orchids under these lights for about 10 hours each day, ensuring they get adequate rest at night.
It’s worth noting that different types of Oncidium Orchids require varying levels of light intensity. For example, some varieties require more intense lighting than others during specific stages of growth.
To determine whether your orchids are getting enough light, keep an eye on their foliage color and shape over the course of a week with one consistent lighting schedule. If the leaves appear dark green and healthy with no signs of burning or yellowing, this indicates optimal health, and a good lighting schedule if using grow lights. If you notice yellowing of the leaves, it could mean either too much or too little light is getting to the plant.
Temperature and Humidity
The temperature and humidity levels are crucial factors in the successful growth of Oncidium orchids. These plants thrive in warm temperatures ranging between 60°F to 80°F during the day and around 55°F to 65°F at night.
It’s important to keep your orchids away from extreme temperatures, such as drafts or direct sunlight, which can affect their growth negatively. A stable environment is key for any orchid’s well-being.
Humidity levels should be kept between 50% -70%. To maintain this level, you can use a humidifier or place a humidity tray filled with water near your plant. This will ensure that your Oncidium orchids have enough moisture in the air to keep them hydrated.
During winter months when indoor heating systems dry out the air, it’s essential to keep an even closer eye on your orchids to ensure the air around them isn’t too dry. An easy way to do this is with a humidity meter placed near your plant that you can check easily.
Watering is an essential aspect of Oncidium orchid care. These plants require a consistent watering routine to thrive and produce beautiful blooms. The frequency of watering depends on several factors, including the growing media, humidity levels, temperature, and light exposure.
When watering your Oncidium orchids, aim to moisten the entire root system thoroughly. You can achieve this by soaking the plant in water for around 15-30 minutes before allowing it to drain completely. Alternatively, you can pour water over the surface of the growing medium until it starts draining out from the bottom.
Avoid letting your Oncidium orchids sit in standing water as this can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. Instead, allow them plenty of time between watering sessions so that their roots have a chance to dry out slightly.
In general, you should aim to water your Oncidium orchids every 7-10 days during warmer months and reduce this frequency during cooler periods when growth slows down. Don’t rely on a specific watering schedule, though. Always monitor your plants closely and adjust their watering schedule based on environmental conditions and individual needs.
When selecting a fertilizer, it’s important to choose one specifically formulated for orchids. Look for a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.
During active growth periods in the spring and summer months, you should fertilize your Oncidium orchids every two weeks using a weak solution. In the fall and winter when growth slows down, cut back on fertilizing to once per month. It’s important not to over-fertilize your orchids as this can lead to burning of the roots or foliage.
We suggest opting for an orchid food as opposed to a fertilizer, as the food will give your orchid all the nutrients it needs, but in much smaller quantities, and it’s given every time you water your plant. This ensures the orchid gets only what it can use, so it is much less likely to give your orchid fertilizer burn from too many nutrients at one time. Regardless of the method you choose, always follow the instructions on the label carefully.
When repotting your Oncidium orchids, choose a container that allows for at least two years of growth and provides proper drainage. Be sure to use fresh potting mix made specifically for epiphytic plants like orchids, which should provide good air circulation and retain moisture without becoming waterlogged.
Before removing your plant from its current container, gently loosen any clinging roots with a sterile tool such as tweezers or a houseplant rake. Then carefully pull the plant from the pot, without pulling too hard to cause breakage. Remove any old media during this process while trying not to damage the roots. From here, all you have to do is plant the plant in its new pot with the new potting mix.
After placing the plant in its new container with fresh media, water thoroughly until excess liquid runs out of the bottom drain holes. Allow your newly potted Oncidium orchids some recovery time by keeping them out of direct sunlight for several days after repotting.
Oncidium orchids are known for their unique and exotic flowers. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including yellow, pink, red, and white, and they got their name because the unique shape of the blooms sometimes looks like a lady dancing in a flowy gown.
While there isn’t much to do to care for the blooms while they are showy and beautiful, once they fade you will need to prune them off of your orchid. This is done to prevent disease and rot from traveling down the flower spike to your plant, but it also helps the plant signal that it’s time to move to the next growth stage: dormancy. It also helps your plant look better.
Pruning is an essential aspect of Oncidium orchid care. It helps to promote healthy growth and flowering in your orchids. The best time to prune your plants is right after they have finished blooming, as mentioned before.
When pruning, remove any dead or yellowing leaves to prevent the spread of disease and pests throughout the plant. You can also trim back any old flower spikes that are no longer producing flowers. Don’t prune too much of the active flower spikes, unless they are beginning to rot or are turning yellow or brown.
It’s important to use clean, sharp pruning tools when pruning your orchids. Dull or dirty blades can cause damage and increase the risk of infection. Sterilize your tools with rubbing alcohol before and after using them on your plants; this will stop the spread of bacteria, fungus, or disease from one plant to the next.
Propagating Oncidium Orchids
Propagating Oncidium Orchids is a fantastic way to produce more plants for your collection or share them with friends. This process can be done by dividing the plant’s pseudobulbs, which are the thickened stems that store water and nutrients at the base of your plant. Over time, your plant will grow several pseudobulbs, and all you have to do is separate them to create new plants!
To propagate an Oncidium orchid, carefully remove it from its pot and examine the root system. Look for sections of healthy pseudobulbs with roots attached. Using a sterile tool, such as scissors or shears, cut through these sections ensuring each has at least one mature growth point.
Once divided, place each section in its own pot filled with fresh growing media. Keep the newly potted orchids moist but not too wet, and keep it a bit farther away from the light than it normally is until the plant has recovered from its propagation. Give them some time to settle and establish themselves before working back up to a regular fertilizing schedule
FAQ Caring For Oncidium Orchids
How do I get Oncidium orchids to re-bloom?
Getting Oncidium orchids to re-bloom can be a little tricky, but it’s not impossible. These plants need enough light, water, and nutrients to produce flowers again. To encourage another cycle of blooming, you should first ensure that your plant is healthy – with no signs of diseases or pests. Follow the guide provided above to ensure your Oncidium is as healthy as possible! Ultimately, give your plant time to move through the growth cycles, and you’ll get another bloom soon enough.
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